Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Toxic Opposition Kills Democracy

#ToxicOpposition kills
When Trump won the 2016 presidential elections in the United States, CNN and the rest of the liberal media warned the intelligence Community not to trust Trump and should hide most information from him, now they are blaming him for not doing something (are you sure they gave him all the infos, this man is a businessman and very serious a man I have ever seen, in my little age, of course), this world is funny.

I did not support Buhari during the 2015 presidential elections in Nigeria (forget about 2019, I am not interested) but I can assure you, I really want him to succeed more than anyone, because our life may depend on it and I would defend #Buhari so long as he is still the current president of NIGERIA if need be, but that does not mean I will not criticize him creatively 😃😃😃.


The focus of the opposition in the United States since 2016, is to bring Trum down by all means necessary, either by death or life; with CNN, BBC, NY Times, Washington Post, etc leading the propaganda mission globally and MSNBC, etc leading local factions.

#toxicopposition is not good for democracy or any organization!

By December 2019 (when the Corona Virus 🦠 started in China) they and the country they pretend to love where busy impeaching Trump, by January 20th 2020 (when the impeachment was done) the Corona virus is already at it peak in Wuhan China killing untold numbers of Chinese, the Democrats and the Republicans where very busy fighting each other over impeachment that will amount to nothing (there was ‘already’ a prophecy about it, confirmation came also from political scientists and talking heads in the media).

Whatever Trump touch, the Democrat called racist, xenophobia, colorist, Nazi, blackist, whitist, nationalist, orange man, etc, etc.

They succeeded in focusing Americans on impeachment, instead of their enemy, they focus on trivia things, petty things, foolish things, while their country was facing an invisible agent of death.

If you found yourself in any kind of opposition, please learn from the Americans 

#toxicOpposition kills!

Thank you, I have so much to say, but it won’t enter here.

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Toxic Opposition Kills Democracy

#ToxicOpposition kills When Trump won the 2016 presidential elections in the United States, CNN and the rest of the liberal media warned ...