In business, perceptions is very important in terms of your business image, perception is a good tool when it comes to the idea customers have about your company or product; for instants want customers thinks about your product or company.
Every company should build their product base on good perception of the public and a good image of the company should never be toy with. An image of any company that wants to grow should be built on public perception that is acceptable.
I think it is very important what the public thinks about your product/company, as this can play a big role in making your company people oriented company and when this happens, the sky will not be your limit. When an image of a company is build base on the perception that prevail in a society, it should always be noted that perceptions sometimes changes and that check and balances should always be put in plans to check this trend and that will be nice especially to individual product of the company and the customers which is the public.
What makes your product stand out, is that business ethics you hold dearly to your heart, and by the time you falter, it may bring down your relationship with the unknown customers that admires your product, so when you feel like making a change to your product/company try to carry your client or customers along. As these will create a loving perception that your company is friendly and caring.
What I mean, is that; if John thinks that your company is clean with a very clean environment, nice label; therefore, if the company produce water related product like springs water, then do not be surprise if Mr. John thinks the same thing about the product of the company and this will generate his interest to always buy the product of the company, because he thinks they are good and clean. Thus it will be wise for such company to build their image base on clean and at the same time maintain that cleanness around the environment.
As from my personal observation; I think most things are build on perception and that the world move base on perception.
Thank you.
Fuludu Anthony
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