Saturday, June 21, 2008


Lesson 1

Read Matthew 18:15-20; Luke 17:3-4; Lev. 19:17

The best gift you can give to yourself is forgiveness. It is a release from the burden of anger and pain, when you choose to forgive; you choose to live in the present and the future and not in the past. Forgiveness does not happen on its own, you must choose to forgive. What is your reaction to this? You can only forgive others if the love of God is in your heart. Forgiveness is the Character of God; this implies that every person who has resolved for God and His eternal home must possess this character because it is not the person living but Christ living in him/her. Read Gal. 2:20; 1 John 4:7-13; 1 Cor. 13:4-5

POSER: What does it mean to resolve for God? How can you now define forgiveness?

Forgiveness is 

(a)    Giving up resentment against or desire to punish

(b)   Stop being angry with

(c)    Pardon

(d)   Let go

(e)   Leave

(f)     Letting pass

(g)    Passing over

(h)   Cancel

(i)      Voluntary release of a person or thing over which one has legal or actual control.

When you forgive, you give the person (and even yourself) the freedom to live in peace and to be able to change for the better.

What is your reaction to the following?                       

·         Forgiveness is not forgetting

·         One can forgive and still grieve a loss or feel pain from a wound.

·         Damage and wounds can take time to repair.

When you forgive you relieve yourself of the burden of the past. You shed the hurt, pain, anger, and loneliness. You can begin to heal.

JESUS CHRIST AND PETER: Read Luke 22:54-62

Simon Peter was one of the closest disciples of Jesus Christ; he was the leader of the other Eleven Apostles. He loved Jesus Christ so much and was devoted to all his teachings. He was always with Jesus Christ wherever He went. With all these commitments and love for his Master, Peter at the time he ought to prove the genuiness of his love denied Jesus Christ out-rightly three times.

Read John 21:15-22

·         How did Jesus Christ resolve the issue?

·         Did Jesus condemn Peter? Explain

·         Must you wait for someone to apologize for a sin committed against you before you forgive the person?

POSER: If your friend or spouse rejects you at the time you need him/her most, how would you react?

NOTE:   Jesus was very confident that Peter could still be very useful inspite of his wrong attitude at the trial. As Christians we should always see the good side of every one inspite of their failure, it will help us to be always ready to forgive.

forgive those who hot you so you can move on to the next level


Anonymous said...

Forgiveness....hmmm, that is something that is sometimes hard. Although, I will forgive I never seem to be able to forget. That is the hardest thing for me yet.

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Thanks for visiting!!!!

Tonizek said...

forgiveness is the best weapon you can use against the enemy. when you forgive those who wrong you, in a great way you have defeated the plans of the enemy. the enemy's expectation is that you react in a wrong way.
I discover that forgiveness is the greatest weapon you can use to win your enemy.

when you forgive and forget; it becomes reality that you are stronger than your foes. this will make them go mad and try to win you over.

Please forgive and forget
it is good for your health

Anonymous said...

It is funny that you say that but here in America it seems that people will be sympathic to what they have done and then only to return and redo the wrong. I try over and over to forgive, but again forgetting the pain is my hardest task. I will try to remember this lesson that you are given and use it to my best advantage.

I have a secret....shhhh. sometimes I will forgive and pretend to forget but it all sticks in the back of my mind. I always use the theory "killing them with kindness". But you have a nice day and keep up the good work.

August 30 ;)

Anonymous said...

Forgiveness is a hard thing and forgeting is deficult but when you rely on God saving grace, then you will know; you are doing yourself a great favor. which only God can pay to you. forgive those who cannot forgive themself.
Thank u

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